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Why are most people embarrassed to buy condoms? - Printable Version

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Why are most people embarrassed to buy condoms? - iDk.. - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

I work in a pharmacy and some many people evn people in there 40s+ are embarrassed to ask for them (we keep them locked) and they seem so nervous or something when they put them on the counter..
When I buy them I don't feel embarrassed at all everyone has sex at some point in their life..

- MissMisc28 - 11-09-2012 08:14 PM

ive never heard of them being behind the counter locked before, where i live they are out there for people to looks at the boxes and stuff just like buying advil or lip stick

- thunderingnumber453 - 11-09-2012 08:14 PM

You do know that condoms are 100% INEFFECTIVE with females who want to get pregnant? Further, if you are a teen, 20% of teen girls are wanting to be teen mothers, and 45% of teen pregnancies are planned by the girls.
For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors.