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Should I inform my ex-father in law that his underage daughter is drinking? - Printable Version

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Should I inform my ex-father in law that his underage daughter is drinking? - Sweetpea has two boys - 11-09-2012 08:16 PM

My husband and i are in the middle of a divorce, but i am still on good terms with my father in law. i found a post on my 17 year old sister in law;s facebook wall that mentioned her and her friends getting very drunk.

should I tip my father in law off that his daughter is drinking, and getting in a car with other drunk kids? i don't want to be a tattle tale, but its dangerous behavior, and I know my father in law opposes drinking period.

- Linds - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

Hard to say given the divorce and everything, since they're driving and getting in cars someone should be told. It would be one thing if they were staying at someones house and no one was leaving, but driving while having drunk is never a good combo.

- Alexa Sortizza - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

Maybe you should first speak with her then him. God forbid an accident happens which I know many people who have been in situations becauae of drinking.

- George Costanza - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

In my opinion you shouldnt. Let her make her own mistakes, on the other hand if the driver was drinking it can be life threatening. but he is your EX father in law. It would be best to keep quiet.

- adkjflsdfkljklsdfj - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

No. Not your problem and nothing good will come out of it. She will hate you forever and he will be bugged that you told him and go into denial about it. DON'T DO IT!

- Sarah Courtney - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

Ya I think u should just drop a little hint and b like did u know about this. Or ask if she is like grounded for life and he'll ask y and then b like o u didn't know! And tell him

- CurlySue - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

Reporting dangerous behavior is not a tattletale. It is definitely a concern that should be reported to her father, since he's legally still responsible for his daughter. Whatever problems she gets into or causes, it's going to fall on him to fix. He needs the heads up.

Your divorce is a completely separate issue when it comes to doing the right thing about your sister-in-law.

- Angelic Buchanan - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

I feel you should tell him. But i do agree on talking to her first and explaining the unexceptable behavior. You should tell your father in law though because there are so many accidents with drunk drivers and maybe his punishment is just what she needs. You dont want her ruining her life!

- candycane - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

If it was my daughter, I would want to know that this was going on. Wouldn't you want to know about it if it was your daughter?

- lunapurple - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

Yes I would just say it in a way that is open and responsive and probably say just wanted u to know I don't want to over step my mark here but..........................

This is not tattle telling at all what happens if u sister in law gets seriously hurt or killed u will live with that regret for the rest of ur life and also young adults brains don't mature until they r in their early 20's and so over binging drinking seriously is not good for them as they are already immature in decision making but drinking alcohol lowers their inhibitions and they r far more likely to take risks

Also as their bodies r not mature very heavy binge drinking can do damage to kidney and liver and kill brain cells so YES I would approach him so he is aware he maybe he may not be

It is so sad when ppl of any age have to drink to have fun rather than have fun and have a drink

Hope it works out for u just approach him openly so ppl may get defensive and wont want to listen but if ur got a good r/ship with ur FIL it should be ok!!