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How can I view someone's wall despite their privacy? - Printable Version

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How can I view someone's wall despite their privacy? - Ranim - 11-09-2012 08:16 PM

I'm a single mother, and I'm sure my 13 year old daughter is doing bad things... I can't really mention them. She won't accept my facebook friend request, for she says "there is no need". I ask her if she's doing what's bad but she keeps denying... I need to view her wall. Any suggestions? I'm not asking u to solve my problem with her, I'm just asking for ways to view someone's wall despite their privacy settings on facebook. Thanks!

- Lincoln - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

only way i can think of is to have her friend accept you... do some spying to see if you can find out her pass..? haha. That's all i can think of sorry :/

- Josh - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

You can't. Facebook is designed with privacy in mind. This keeps both child predators, and paranoid mothers out...

- chubbyheat396 - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

In that case, you are invading her privacy. If you really trust her, you shouldn't do it. She's undergoing teen life wherein you need to help her and respect her decisions. If you really, really, REALLY wanted to do it so bad, you should see the browsing history and if you can not, download a software wherein you can track what she types. Careful in choosing what you download, though. They might be trojan viruses that can infect your computer.

Wait.... YOU SAID YOU WERE A MOTHER!! And yet here:;_ylt=AvUm7xMP.lI2DALImndBxWfty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101216071410AArDxG9 You said you were 12! LIAR!!;_ylt=AjPXEVblD1CWKD2h_TeOOwXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101216072736AAXnogg;_ylt=AplF.7vZqg2hgr4tMm.33M3ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110105135832AAd5oNg

- Jay From Ottawa - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

1) It is simply not possible. Security settings are put in place for a reason.

2) You shouldn't be spying on your daughter, that's the number 1 way to lose all of your childs respect and ensure that she doesn't trust you.

3) Instead try engaging your child in an open and honest conversation. Best way to do this, is to be upfront and honest yourself. Start by telling your child what your life was like at 13. Tell her about all of the stupid stuff you did, including any kind of "illegal" behaviour. After admitting to it, explain how, looking back on thing, you wished you'd have done a few things differently. Introducing your daughter to the concept of "hindsight" or "wisdom" will let her know what while some of the things you may say may appear hypocritical, you are only able to take your current stance because you've learned from your mistakes, and that all you want to do is help her learn from your past experiences. Regardless, don't underestimate the power of making mistakes, so long as we learn from our mistakes, then they weren't committed for nothing.