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How to start a support group for young mothers? - Printable Version

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- MommyLife - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

Do you have a facebook? Start a group on there. You can make your own posters and print them off to hang at community centres, doctors offices, community boards in grocery stores/health unit/hospital, even the community boards at gas stations.

You can reference your facebook group page (for more info) on your posters.

Set it up at home, or at a friend/family members home who doesn't mind giving up the space for a night. Welcome all babies. You can pick up some educational phamplets at your local health unit/hospital/doctors office for reference for moms who might have questions the group can't answer collectively.

After awhile you could do special meeting days at parks in your area. Maybe once and awhile go to the zoo, water park something different.

I think its a great idea

You could also let your local health facility know of your group. You might even be able to get one of the nurses to come into the group for a question and answer session.

If you make a facebook group, email me. I will totally 'like' your group lol

- Andrea - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

Get something out on Facebook, at your old High School, local colleges and bring in other young mothers you know.

Not sure what exactly you want to do with the group, but it is a very good idea to start something like this for young mothers.

- Sugar Cain - 11-09-2012 08:25 PM

I have been looking as well....we have story time at the library on wednesdays, there's regular moms and their small children there, walk around your neighborhood and look for other moms..especially now that it's summer... and your best bet may be to look into local churches or your city hall for things. Usually they have groups or can direct to one.