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Should I tell the son of the relative who sexually molested me? He now has a baby daughter.? - Printable Version

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Should I tell the son of the relative who sexually molested me? He now has a baby daughter.? - bloshkita - 11-09-2012 08:17 PM

Cousin X molested me sexually when I was 15 years old. This person's son now has a baby daughter. I learned this because he came up as a friend of a friend on Facebook. My question is, should I write the guy and tell him that his mother is dangerous?
The woman lives in another country. I've since immigrated to the United States.

- theone - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM


go to the police

complete a report


telling a relative about it does not do anything

at all

you won't be believed

go to the police now so that another innocent child is not hurt


- calah - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

I truly think that it's hard dealing with the fact that you have been violated it's best that you make sure to get counseling for the best of you and you child now what i was weary about is how long ago did this took place but it should not matter if GOD is for you no one can be against you let it out if thats what your heart feel!!!!!

- Mystikal - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

that's a hard question to answer.
i was also molested by a family member and i dealt with it for years and years and never told a soul. Finally i told the one person who was closest to me at the brother...and he totally flipped out and told me I was lieing and that "said person" would never do something like that and how I shouldn't say lies like that.
But i wasn't lieing. I was molested for 2years by that person.
I still haven't confronted the person who did it bc im sure it wold ruin a lot of peoples lives. Maybe its better that you don't say anything.
I know that you want to protect the baby but maybe your cousin has changed.
Maybe they arent who they used to be. people change and Im sure that if you were to bring it up, it would change peoples lives, especially since the molester is the parent of the person you want to tell.
If they have a close relationship with eachother, it would probably tear them apart, and you would be solely responsible for that.
Keep an eye on them. Keep your eyes and ears open and if you see any "negative" behavior toward the baby, THEN step in and say something. But only if the baby is in danger. You should also call the police in that case.
You should forgive them in your heart and move on with your life. If you hold on to it, it will tear you up inside and just make things worse.
The way that I got over my molestation was to give forgiveness. Doing that is the hardest thing to so since you felt so violated and dirty and ashamed. But the molestation wasnt your fault and you did not ask for that to happen to you.
Giving forgiveness to the person in your heart is what you need to do, i cant stress that enough.

- john - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

You should report it to both the son and the authorities. There is a good chance he was molested as well. Take care to show tact and be cautious, there may be retribution for your concern.