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Please explain to me how to work Twitter? - Printable Version

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Please explain to me how to work Twitter? - Crash22244 - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

i get the point of posting things but i am kind of confused. Can you post something on anyone's page? I see what the profile user posts but i also see a whole bunch of other posts that are not from them, on their page.
Also what does the blue lettering mean?and what does "# "suppose to mean?
i seriously don't really get it so please help me out.

- faithfulbeginner262 - 11-09-2012 08:29 PM


- Jay Feely - 11-09-2012 08:29 PM

Yes you can post on other people twitter walls. # are hash tags used to tie back to something.

- Ditty - 11-09-2012 08:29 PM

Yes you can post things on their profile if you mention them in a tweet with @ then their name.
Retweets are tweets by other people that can appear on your page if you press retweet.
# Is a hashtag so that your post will show up in the search.

- Ditty - 11-09-2012 08:29 PM

You can't post things on their page, but you can mentioning them or in other words, tweeting to them. You do that by typing the "@" symbol and their Twitter name.

If you're seeing things on their profile that was not written by them its because they retweeted it. Retweeting is basically like quoting someone, except on twitter, they're picture and twitter name shows.

The "#" isn't really that important. Let's say you tweet something with, for example, #excited. Anyone who searches for that hashtag might see your tweet. It's difficult to explain. I wouldn't worry about it since you're just starting out.

Hopefully this made sense. Twitter was confusing for me too but I eventually got the hang of it.

- gman - 11-09-2012 08:29 PM

They don't have "pages" on twitter. They're just profiles I guess you could call it. But twitter is not all that hard after you use it more often. The "#" is called a hashtag, and it can be used to express a feeling,etc. for example I could tweet "School today... #boring" or "going to bed #tired" hashtags also serve as trending topics (in other words, if so many people tweet and use the same hashtag, maybe for something like the presidential debates,etc. you will see something like #Obama or #Romney trending because so many people used those hashtags) and when you see something someone posted that is on your friends profile, although they didn't post it themselves, it is know as a "retweet" when you retweet something, all of your followers can see it. Simply, that person must've liked what the person tweeted and wanted to retweet it so all of their followers could see it too. Twitter isn't all that complicated once you get used to it, and if you have an iPhone/android, I highly recommend you download the twitter app. It could be much more simpler than using it on a computer. Hope this helped!

- Dave Pilgrim - 11-09-2012 08:29 PM

Hi - well, between them the previous answers have pretty much covered your questions, I think. If you have any other questions about Twitter or want to learn how to use it more effectively then have a look at my Yahoo profile... Happy Tweeting!