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What is the law for failure to pay child support in Tennessee? - Printable Version

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What is the law for failure to pay child support in Tennessee? - Rhonda - 11-09-2012 08:23 PM

My grand-daughters father has yet to pay a penny on the child support that was court ordered in August of 2011. He is currently almost 9000 behind. We had court in November and he was a no show. We now have a court date for tomorrow. He has a job. He has it all over his facebook how he works 10 and 11 hours a day. But yet he still doen't pay. What is going to happen to him tomorrow if he shows up?

- HD - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

pay or go to jail, period.

- Patrick4024 - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

Like any other state, wage garnishment or jail.

- Vince - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

Find out whom he's working for. If he doesn't show, provide this information to the court. They will contact his employer and start garnishing his wages.

- Excessiveaction198 - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

Your daughter needs a good attorney.

If this issue is serious, she needs to consult her attorney and plan a more aggressive attack against the deadbeat.

If this issue is not important, perhaps some strangers online can contribute various guesses. She can choose the ones that sound best. Good luck.

Tomorrow, if the loser shows up, he should be sentenced to jail. The judge could suspend the sentence on condition that he pay a substantial portion of the arrearage and increase the monthly payment to pay it all off within two years. If your daughter has a good attorney, that is more likely to happen.

If the loser does not show up, the judge should issue a warrant or writ of attachment. If your daughter has a good attorney, that is more likely to happen.

- Landlord - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

The state is going to garnish his wages.

- demos_jones - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

If he shows up, most likely he'll be ordered to pay a portion of back-owed to the court immediately or face jail for Contempt until he comes up with it. If he doesn't show up, most likely a bench warrant will be issued, which means they won't go out and look for him, but if he happens to come across the attention of any cops, they'll see the warrant and arrest him at that time. Then it's jail until he comes up with that minimum portion.

Since he's working, the Child Support agency has the means to notify the state and federal governments to intercept any and all tax refunds to offset his arrearage. Of course, that's just once a year. But his paycheck can also be garnished each and every payday for 15% until the arrearage is paid off.

- Libraryanna - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

He will be found in contempt of court and a warrant issued for his arrest. You should ask for a court order so you can garnish his wages.

With the amount owed, she should have a lawyer. The lawyer can use all means necessary to get the money. She can also go after his tax refund. IF he has a license for his job, that can be taken away pending payment.