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How does the concept of "projection" (psychology) apply to astrology? - Printable Version

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How does the concept of "projection" (psychology) apply to astrology? - ḯґḯṧℌ ẘґ☤ṧ⊥ ẘ@☂ḉ♄ - 11-09-2012 08:23 PM

- cooingNinja905 - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

Astrology and Psychology are the same thing.

- Morose - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM


Leo: I really don't like the fact that you talk so much and hog the spot light Gemini. Its a major concern and a lot of people don't like this about you! So stop.

Gemini: What? I'm actually nothing like you described? I was loud, and attention seeking, one time. Why are you projecting your own insecurities on to me? I was just on facebook and many people said how loud, attention seeking and annoying you were. Don't push your problems on to me.

There you go. Projection is a common defense mechanism. We all do it at some point. Not all of us, but most.

Oh and Astrology and Psychology are actually not the same thing. Thats just absolutely relative. But they are not the same thing.. i can see where someone would get that idea.

- Been There - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

Projection is most likely to occur in the presence of two types of factors:

1. In a person's birthchart, if they have a Yod configuration (not a "boomerang yod", just a conventional yod), Huber called this the "projection triangle" and indicated that the person is likely to blame others (project onto others).

2. In a synastry comparison, if one person has a personal planet in square or opposition aspect to an outer planet ... and they get into a relationship with someone who has a personal planet conjunct the other person's personal planet ... then the energy of the first person's natal sq/opp will be projected onto the other person. In others words, rather than acknowledge the dynamics of their own sq/opp aspect, they project it onto the other person and see them as being that way instead. They fight it out with their partner instead of "owning" their own dynamics and handling it on an internal level.

- dew - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

Well, you either claim possession of a certain planet (need, charasteristic, trait) of yours or you project in onto other people and deal with it "externally" so to speak.

For example, I have Venus in Scorpio in 7th house. I can claim possesion of my Venus or for some reason I may decide I am not comfortable with it. In the latter case I will search for/be attracted to and ultimately be surrounded by people who display a Venus in Scorpio characteristics, such as interest in the occult, sex, banking, etc. I share the opinion that the people you see most often in your life embody characteristics which you have chosen to project.

It's said that 7th house placements are the easiest to project but I think that you can project basically any planet regardless of house position.

- dew - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

In Psychology, projection is an immature defense mechanism in which the defense is a twist of truth and logic placing whatever uncomfortable feelings one is experiencing on others. For example, a feeling of jealousy may arise which may feel uncomfortable. Instead of owning this feeling, the individual will place that feeling on an another (you are jealous of me) and use it as a weapon to put up a shield. All the defense mechanisms in Psychology are to protect the ego which is intimately entwined with the emotions, so to compare it to Astrology (some healthy and some not, like projection), one would have to look at the Sun and Moon signs and see where they are placed (sign & house) as well as aspects to them.