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How can I meet this girl at my school that I keep talking to on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I meet this girl at my school that I keep talking to on Facebook? - moviemaker1990 - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

I've been talking to this girl on Facebook for a little over a week now. We usually write on each other's wall (like leaving a comment) once a night.

Basically I ask a question, she answers it and comments on it, then I comment on her answer and ask another one.

Well anyways, she's a Freshman and I'm a Junior. So we have no classes together, and our locker's are nowhere close. I've stopped asking her school-related questions and more personal questions (I started with what kind of music do u like?).

But I want to actually meet her in person, but how? What should I say? This way I can get to know her more (because Homecoming is coming up soon). But I don't want to sound like some creep.

How can I do this?

- Annonymous <3 - 11-09-2012 08:34 PM

well i don't really know what this has to do with dancing but w/e. i mean you go to her school, you probably don't seem like too much of a creep because of that. just ask her if she's going to (enter school event here (maybe a sports game)) and then if she is say, maybe i'll see you there then. and then just go to the game and look for her and act like it's a coincidence that you saw her there (even though you were looking for her). i'm assuming you've seen enough pictures of her to recognize her in public. if not then say hey, why don't we meet at (enter meeting place here). but make sure the place is somewhere at the event. i wouldn't meet her somewhere private or try to make it like a date just because its your first time seeing eachother in person. then just get to know her better and maybe meet more often and if you think you wanna ask her to homcoming start flirting with her and once you think she likes you enough, ask her to go with you. good luck!