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My girlfriend makes me confused and is very hard to figure out? - Printable Version

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My girlfriend makes me confused and is very hard to figure out? - anonymous - 11-09-2012 08:31 PM

Facebook sometimes makes me regret going on. My girlfriend becomes fans of random stuff like stuff that says" I don't care anymore" or like " I may be smiling but I'm dieing inside" but then she also joins like a billion other normal fan things. SO I don't know if she's hinting something or she just joins everything.Also, she sometimes puts statuses put that say lines like " I'm only gonna break your heart" or stuff like that from songs. Is it trying to say something? or am I thinking to much?

- Need help?!? - 11-09-2012 08:40 PM

If she was trying to say something, she would probably say it to your face. Girls join all sorts of things on facebook, they not neccesarily be about you. Dont worry about it!

- Kaylakaos - 11-09-2012 08:40 PM

She probably does stuff like this around the time of her period. Don't look too much into it. Not a big deal.

- Christina M - 11-09-2012 08:40 PM

Confront her and ask her when you see her.
I become a fan of A lot of stuff, I'm a fan of over 1, 500 ( OMG Me: a lot much?!?! (; )