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people who sign into other peoples facebooks? - Printable Version

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people who sign into other peoples facebooks? - - 11-09-2012 08:33 PM

is there anything legally i could do about this girl.. my daughter has been crying for hours because this girl signed on to her ex boyfriends facebook and has been messaging my child as him.. while he is unable to go on to facebook and stop this.. could law enforcement get involved?

- Natalie Perez - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Possibly but who knows for certain.

- Andy - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Remove the ex boyfriend as a friend and make the profile private, if she keeps doing it with other profiles, can report it to facebook or the police.

- Liam Murphy - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

only if the ex boyfriend files a complaint, and you're daughter deserved it

- _Scooby Doodle_ - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Just block this account whose messaging your Daughter. Or tighten the privacy settings so that no strangers can mail your daughter aside from her friends.

- Denny - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

whether or not if there is any legal recourse depends on what the other girl is doing or saying. If she's calling your daughter names and insulting her the most you could hope for would be a harassment charge. If she is threatening physical/bodily harm than that would definitely be prosecuteable as aggravated assault.

I haven't had a FB account for quite some time. But you may be able to block just that "friend" from sending messages. Or delete the friend and than make it so people that aren't on her list can't message her. But than if she has your daughters email address she could send her messages that way. Than you would have to set up an email filter to automatically send the girl's email to the trash.

More importantly you need to help your daughter build her self-esteem so when people try to bring her down she can just let it roll off her back. She'll probably have other negative cross her path during her life and needs to not let it get to her.