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How important for you is to have your partner's Facebook password? - Printable Version

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How important for you is to have your partner's Facebook password? - Stanboi - 11-09-2012 08:33 PM

Is it important for you to have your partner's Facebook password, and why? Why do some people insist on having their boyfriend/girlfriends password, as if the password is the most important part of a relationship?

- Rachel - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

I think it's unimportant. I'd be glad to give my boyfriend my password if he wanted it but I'd never ask for his because i completely trust him. Just because youre in a relationship doesnt mean you need to know everything about them or know their accounts. They do need some privacy of their own

- melissa - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

I think it's just what it stands for. I personally am someone who has to have the others password but only for the simple fact of knowing there's no secrets. If your hiding stuff and being flirtatious then obviously I can see why you wouldn't give your bf/gf your password. But honestly if your in a committed serious relationship and your doing nothing wrong then why not? At the same time I don't think it's appropriate to be snooping on the others account all day every day I think it's all about trust. Trust to have and give you password and trust that they're not doing anything wrong.
If your not in a serious committed relationship then I don't think it's appropriate to exchange passwords, there's no need to.