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Where can I find real statistics and causes for cases caused by facebook? - Printable Version

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Where can I find real statistics and causes for cases caused by facebook? - lucky115 - 11-09-2012 08:33 PM

My mother goes to seminars that say things such as facebook and my Space are bad and that they aren't safe because you can see the kids information and they can be stalked or raped or something such as. Where can I find actual statistics and causes for those cases so I can show her the internet is not terrible and that those seminars are meant to protect middle school kids and some highschoolers and are blown out of proportion?

- lucky115 - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Unfortunately, Facebook, Myspace and such have had the kind of trouble you mother is worried about. They have taken steps these past few years to fix those problems, but you still need to be careful.
There are a lot of creepy, dangerous people in the world, and young people are uniquely vulnerable because they are inexperienced and naive.
Forget about vindicating Facebook. Show your mother that you have a healthy skepticism regarding strangers on the web, and that you know how to protect your personal Information.
Being on the web is as dangerous as walking about at night half dressed in the worst neighborhood of your town. It's also as valuable as having access to every book in the library, every expert in the world, and contact with every relative, teacher and friend you have ever had.
You have to protect youself from the dangers in order to enjoy the benefits. If your mother thinks you are in denial of that requirement, she has no choice but to take charge of your protection.