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Why do people have such a strong reaction to breastfeeding? - Printable Version

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Why do people have such a strong reaction to breastfeeding? - Artisticat - 11-09-2012 08:33 PM

Even though it's very natural. I have a lot of friends who breastfeed just like I do, and we always talk about how people would react strongly if we put pics up on facebook, or about how people get upset or disgusted when we mention it. So I want to know why? Or why do you think so anyway.

- GQ - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Blame it on the sexual repression history of our society. Boobs are seen as sexual objects and being the repressed culture that we are, must be hidden at all costs lest we become corrupted by total and utter boobage.

- steepwriter878 - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Because some people (wrongly) believe that the primary function of the breasts is to be sexually pleasing, so seeing a baby suckle on it, somehow seems wrong, and displaying it proudly seems voyeuristic... I dont believe this for a second, I breastfed my baby, I also lept it very private because it was moments that I dod not want other to intrude upon... Yes, I have nursing pictures, but in my own private collection... To each their own though...

- Stalking Kate(: - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Honestly, I have no idea why people think it is gross or obscene. Possibly because you are exposed, or people view it as a private thing between mother and baby. Most people I know still go ahead and breastfeed in public, they just stick a blanket over the baby so no one sees. Oh and also, some moms cover up cause they don't want people to see their exposed boob.

- She is my Sunshine - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

I think it is a beautiful thing. I was only able to breastfeed for a while but, i fed my daughter whenever she needed, even if we were out. I am modest and used a light blanket to cover though or did it in the car before we went into the mall or what not.

I think its great and have no problems with it, it is a blessing and people that speak out against it, are.... NUTS!

- Amy - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Well it wouldnt be appropriate to post those one facebook or something because that is a woman's private parts (anything covered by a swimsuit as we all have learned) and you shouldnt post that for the world to see. Its just like using the toilet, it is very natural, but it is private at the same time. I dont know why it grosses people out but it grosses me out too for some reason so i appreciate when people do it in private. Smile I think it has to do with leaking fluids from body parts is just kind of "gross" i guess in general. Think of any other leakage that happens and it is natural but not pleasantly seen by others.

- teenymaid588 - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

Sad but true the world is SO sexualized now that breasts are no longer seen as meant for feeding.

Then some people are just surprised if they see someone nursing in public or if they see pictures. I can't really tell you why, but some people are just what's the word... sensitive? Embarrassed? I don't know, but they react differently.

To add, I personally would not post photos of it on facebook because to me it was a private thing, but to each their own.

- Amanda - 11-09-2012 08:42 PM

In this day and age of feminism and woman liberation, it's hard to believe that public breast feeding is still considered somewhat of a "taboo". I'd like to think Americans are generally open minded and accepting, especially when it comes to a mother and her child. Although being that most of us have seen this part of the female anatomy, some would think of it as "vile" or "inappropriate". Perhaps if breast feeding were looked at on more of an objective level, as it was meant to be, breast feeding publicly would not be such an issue. While it is an intimate and bonding experience for both mother and child, it being a "private" moment is a crock of sh*t. Its not a "private" moment when a mother chooses to feed her child in public with a bottle. Bottle feeding is also an intimate and bonding experience for them as well. Why should I be looked down upon and ushered into a bathroom stall because I choose to use my breast as her bottle? People are blurring the lines between indecent, sexually oriented exposure and the necessity of exposing one's breasts for the sake of feeding a child. When my baby is hungry she is going to nurse NO MATTER WHAT! We as women are encouraged to to give our babies the most nutritionally complete food for their development - natural breast milk, straight from the breast. And yet we find ourselves struggling to find places that make it comfortable and socially acceptable to breast feed (like a public bathroom toilet seat).The most ironic part about this ongoing taboo, to me at least, is the minimal amount of exposure necessary to breast feed. Heck, many women will almost completely cover their breasts blanket to make themselves and others more comfortable. Which brings me to my favorite breastfeeding quote- If you don't like it feel free to put a blanket over YOUR head! It's about time we shake the taboos, and promote tolerance and acceptance for women breast feeding in public. Also, there are stories of women getting CHARGED with public indecency for nourishing their baby in public! Forty-four states have laws specifically allowing women to breastfeed in any public or private location. While only twenty-eight states, exempt breastfeeding from public indecency laws. On another note,if you look at any other mammal on this earth, they ALL breast feed. Humans are mammals as well, but why is it "wrong" for us to do it? Because in today's society, for human breast all they are good for is to pleasure men, and to sell cars and beer. If you want to put pictures of you breast feeding your beautiful healthy babies on Facebook MORE POWER to you!! I completely support you. Don't be ashamed of breast feeding. If it offends someone that is THEIR problem not yours! Ive seen lots of pictures of babies being fed from bottles on Facebook. You should promote it and make people aware of what a beautiful thing it is. Be proud that you breast feed!