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Where should I go about false penalties put on child support? - Printable Version

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Where should I go about false penalties put on child support? - Vanessa Saganetti - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

My dad paid basically off all his child support but now there saying he has penalties that he missed a year and a half, but he has the papers to prove he had money automatically taken out of his check (thats how the money was taken out)
The paper he recieved says they tryed to get the money but there are no papers or phone calls from them...

- loudchildren644 - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

This will explain what happened.

It is a software problem that they know about, but they are making millions in federal matching funds by ignoring it. I was alerted about the problem by a paralegal who did some work for Arizona Child Support Enforcement, archiving old case files.

He needs to file a motion with the court to have a clarification of support owed. Only then can it be reviewed and the court can order the amount corrected. However, you might also try to get the media to note this. I have been unsuccessful in that.
For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors.
Posted to Dads House Facebook Page

- Richard Holloway - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

In Pennsylvania the court order an employer to withhold a little less than what it takes to fill an annual obligation.
Instead of multiplying the monthly obligation by 12 and then dividing it by the number of pay periods...they take the yearly amount and divide by 365 and then multiply by 7 to come up with a weekly amount.
The result for me with an $800.00 per month alimony obligation was that my employer was ordered to pay $184.11 weekly instead of $184.60.
It is useful for the IV-D agencies to put the folks who pay into arrears because collecting on them is one of the five federal incentive bonus measures.
Pennsylvania only spends about $13 million to administer a $250 million dollar program, Folks that pay federal income tax pick up the difference
Child Support Enforcement Mission Statement:
"To consistently collect as much child support money as possible for the benefit of North Carolina's children." .
The payers (defendants) are the geese laying the golden eggs. But it appears that the system is looking for goose down pillows.
I wish I had good advice but I do not.