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How do I deactivate or erase my facebook account? - Printable Version

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How do I deactivate or erase my facebook account? - rick c - 11-09-2012 08:36 PM

I am so sick of people contacting me through facebook, when they can just as easily send me a private e-mail or pick up the damned phone. I want to never ever be seen through facebook again!

- Insanity - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

go here

the deactivation will take control and your account will be deleted soon.

- David - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

I did this just yesterday! Go into your facebook account and somewhere, (sorry I forget exactly where), there is the provision to cancel your account. Facebook will not let you do it straight away, they put the account on hold for a few days and if you do not access the account, it is then closed. I did it for exactly the same reasons as you!

- Robert Brealey - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

Have a look at this website -

- Viv€k C.I.D - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

1) Login to your account
2) Open account settings
3) At the bottom there is deactivate button
It will ask for your password
enter it and it'll be deactivated