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How do you set up fan clubs on facebook? - Printable Version

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How do you set up fan clubs on facebook? - Piscean - 11-09-2012 08:38 PM

Or any thing like that would be good if you can give me any tips, cheers.

- john - 11-09-2012 08:46 PM

Step 1
Go to This is a free website that takes very little expertise to explore. Sign up for an account. Enter your name, email,password and birthday. (The birthday is for the 13 -18 year old's safety.)
Step 2
You then create a profile. You may write as much or as little as you want. You may include your education, interests, activities and professions. I am not a big fan of including telephone numbers or addresses--just for safety's sake. You can even include if you are in a relationship or are looking.
Step 3
Upload your photograph. Under info, you have the choice of uploading a photo. The easiest way is to get a photo on your hard drive and then uploading from there. Don't worry--you can change your photo everyday if you wish!
Step 4
The best part of Facebook is the ability to see friends and family's photos. We celebrated Christmas with my husband's family and uploaded pictures that night so everyone else in the family could see them immediately.
Step 5
There is an application that allows you to do your family tree on Facebook and include pictures. There is another application that allows you to list who you are your relatives. You may participate in any application you wish. You may join fan clubs. I am a fan of my church's webpage!

Hope it helps you. For more information