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why is my ex boyfriends roommate liking my facebook status? - Printable Version

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why is my ex boyfriends roommate liking my facebook status? - iluvcheer618 - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

okay, so two weeks ago i told my ex boyfriend i was seeing someone new. my ex boyfriend asked why i was telling him this and asked why i was so obsessed. so i was done with him for good. id normally go back to him every few days apologizing for things that weren't even Truly my fault. now i have met someone amazing and who likes me very much. why would my ex boyfriends roommate who he is best friends with go out of his way to like my status?

- James - 11-09-2012 08:47 PM

Delete the friend

- Vicky C - 11-09-2012 08:47 PM

First off, did he do it once or multiple times? If only once, then he probably just liked your status.

Anyway, if he is doing it a lot, then maybe he:
1. wants to get with you.
2. wants to keep an eye on you for your ex, and figure out who you are dating.

Stop talking to your ex. Don't apologize if you don't think something is your fault, unless if it is to preserve a relationship. I think that that ship has probably already sailed, so then apologizing for that kind of stuff will only make you angry and resentful.

- dannyboy2111 - 11-09-2012 08:47 PM

Because They Like your status