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How do You 5 RT on Twitter? ( I know it's stupid)? - Printable Version

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How do You 5 RT on Twitter? ( I know it's stupid)? - Meredith_1124 - 11-09-2012 08:41 PM

I always see it and I justwanna know how. I feel stupid for not knowing this, so don't make it worse for meSmile

- Aj - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

No, it's not a stupid question at all (no question is).

RT stands for "ReTweet." To retweet someone's tweet/message is to share their tweet with your own Twitter followers. When you come across an interesting tweet and you want to help it spread - you retweet it. There's usually a ReTweet button next to each Tweet, so you can usually just click that.
The syntax of a ReTweet is the abbreviation "RT" or the word "Retweet" followed by the username of the person who tweeted it (e.g @User) and then the content of the actual tweet.

Full example:
You see the following Tweet from @hagoleshet
Found a great site for getting great answers:!

You ReTweet it as:
RT @hagoleshet Found a great site for getting great answers:!

Hope this helps.