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Why do some people hide their political views on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do some people hide their political views on Facebook? - Bradford - 11-09-2012 08:43 PM

I have a few friends who had their political views up on Facebook for a while and then suddenly they are gone and only their religious views show up. I like to see what political views my friends have just out of curiosity but when they suddenly hide it, it makes me wonder why.

- OzNana - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Maybe they forgot to update it. Or maybe they decided it was no one else's business. Beats me why anyone would want to tell the whole world about every move they make or every thought they have.

- Sits Vacant - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Because politics is a complicated business and most people are very naive.

- baxterville - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

A lot of us are reluctant to alienate people we value who might not think it's okay to have friends with differing political views. I had a friend of 15 years terminate contact with me when she found out how radically different from hers my views are. They've always been that different and we mostly managed to avoid political discussions. And in groups, I sort of sat back and listened, but kept to myself because I've seen how knee-jerk some people can be about other views. I never minded that her views are almost comical to me, but she seems to actually hate me for mine (and, ironically, believes that people with my views are hateful and judgmental).

Facebook is a great place for lots of people to reconnect with friends and relatives we otherwise wouldn't have contact with, so tons of us have chosen to keep our profiles un-controversial. I've got a blog for my political stuff and my Facebook friends have no idea. I like getting to know cousins I haven't seen in decades and seeing pictures of their kids and all, but I know some of them would cut ties with me over politics. It just isn't worth the estrangement.

- adagio58 - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Strong political views can cause wars, didn't you know? I'm not a Facebook member anyways.

Just my opinion.

- hissingelbow576 - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Maybe for the same reason some people hide their religion (or lack of) on Facebook: intolerance. I actually had a relative threaten to unfriend anyone he caught posting anything which he felt made fun of Jesus or xtianity. I'm an atheist and while I have, only once or twice, posted something mildly critical of some glaringly obvious absurdity of religion (nothing vicious--believe me, I've seen vicious), and I've made posts in support of gay marriage, I have not directly made fun of Jesus or xtianity; I have far too many xtian friends & relatives to partake of that freedom. Still, apparently some peoples' faith is so weak that even the mildest joke or criticism is seen as a threat, so now I curb my religious postings...even more.

Those who hide their political views may likewise figure that the ill will and possible loss of friends isn't worth the freedom to express their political views. A shame, really, especially when one remembers that the internet is supposed to be this bastion of free speech.

- Jodi - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Because they forget to update

- KingFrog. - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

I'm the opposite.
I hide my religious views and have my political views up.

But I live in the south, and they don't take kindly to agnostics or atheists down here.
Also some employers won't hire non-chrstians if they see that on their facebook.
So I simply don't show it.

- RatZ - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Aren't you relieved to be spared from their (probable) idiocy? I sure would be. So many morons, so much bandwidth.