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How do I convince my mom to let me have a facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I convince my mom to let me have a facebook? - Midnightapparel515 - 11-09-2012 08:43 PM

Ok - here's the thing: I want a facebook because everyone else at my school (it seams) has one but me. I am 13 years old. My sister (who's 10) has asked before if she could have one and my mom has been very clear she is too young. I have always assumed that my mom wouldn't let me have one either. Do you have any advice on how to convince her without coming directly out and asking?

- Kitty Cat - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

Well I am not aloud either, so I can't help you. Sorry

- Brandon J - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

i think that you should tell your mom you have a facebook and see how she reacts and if its not bad start one and if shes does dont but i dont think your too young to have a facebook you know what to and not to do and pplus all facebook is a website where you put photos up and write to friends how is that so bad .

- dannyboy2111 - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

tell her that you will be super careful and Not Add any Bad People and That you will Be Safe on it and If your mom has a facebook ask her too be your friend so she can watch you

- tantechrissie - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

I agree with your mother. It is very difficult to ensure privacy and safety on facebook when people seem to compete to have the most friends. How can somebody honestly have a thousand friends? So you are connecting with lots of people that you know very little about. Even at the highest level of security I don't believe facebook is a useful tool for anybody. Certainly it is fun, but at your age you should be playing outside with your friends, not connecting on a computer. It is not real, even if your friends are on it. Go out and do normal things with your friends. Talk to each other face to face. Think of fun things to do which will take their minds off it too!

- DCK - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

Well since you're 13, you can tell your mom that Facebook will automatically hide your information / pictures/ profile etc to people who aren't your friend on Facebook. (That is if you put your real birth year). You can also promise her that you aren't going to add some random person you don't know as a friend, and that when you have a school assignment you can just send a message to their Facebook instead of calling them. Oh yeah you make sure to tell her that you won't be on it every SINGLE day, I'm warning you, Facebook is VERY addicting.

PS: Ask her when she is in a happy mood.

Hope this helps! Smile

- sg-hitman91 - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

tell her to make one and add you as a friend if she doesnt trust you, and if your okay with that