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Around how much in general would it cost to search for my biological parents? - Printable Version

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Around how much in general would it cost to search for my biological parents? - Demonica - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

I just turned 18 a few months ago...and never knew I was adopted =/ My parents decided to tell me on my 18th birthday,

I wanted to see if I could try and search for them...but that sounds expensive. I really want to see my roots and where I came from, but is this hundreds of dollars we're talking...or thousands?

I'm just trying to get an idea so I can see how long it will take me to actually be able to save enough up to search for them.

- Catherine - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

You need to ask your adoptive parents for all the information they have available regarding your biological parents. I searched for my biological parents via the internet with very limited information and was able to find both of them for free. I had their names and the state I was born in and an idea of age range and went from there. I made a lot of phone calls and felt very awkward but I did it and met with both of them.

Please realize I was 18 when I found them and was very disappointed/saddened by their response and it doubled my initial hurt. You may not find what you wish for.
Good Luck.

- snowwillow20 - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

I used a search angel and it cost me 40.00. That was almost 10 years ago. I am the bmom so I knew a few things about the where and when of my daughters birth.

- Jennifer L - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

First of all, I can't imagine how you must feel after having something like that dropped in your lap! I'm sorry that happened to you. There is no excuse for your parents keeping something like that from you.

There are some free search registries online, if you know your date and place of birth. If you know the names of your biological parents and any other information, that would make a search easier. Look for reunion support groups in your area. Many people are pretty experienced in tracking down biological relatives. There are also things like Facebook and the social network media.

Best of luck to you.