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How can I meet this girl at my school that I keep talking to on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I meet this girl at my school that I keep talking to on Facebook? - moviemaker1990 - 11-09-2012 08:44 PM

I've been talking to this girl on Facebook for a little over a week now. We usually write on each other's wall (like leaving a comment) once a night.

Basically I ask a question, she answers it and comments on it, then I comment on her answer and ask another one.

Well anyways, she's a Freshman and I'm a Junior. So we have no classes together, and our locker's are nowhere close. I've stopped asking her school-related questions and more personal questions (I started with what kind of music do u like?).

But I want to actually meet her in person, but how? What should I say? This way I can get to know her more (because Homecoming is coming up soon). But I don't want to sound like some creep.

How can I do this?

- dancechick626 - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

after school carpool go up talk to her or join in with her friends if shes talking to someone else

- Kyanna S - 11-09-2012 08:52 PM

Ask her on Facebook if she'd be interested in meeting at school. If she's interested, set up a time and place.

You may even want to express your concern that you're worried about appearing like a creep, but that you have enjoyed talking to her via Facebook, that you feel you have a lot in common, and you would like to get to know her better in person.

Do your lunch times coincide? If so, maybe you can ask her if she wants to eat lunch with you. Or, if there's a school-related after-school activity, like a football game, ask if she'd like to go to that with you. I'd definitely get to know her in person before asking her to homecoming (smart idea on your part!). Avoid asking her to meet outside of a school activity, at least until you know her better.
