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Why do men think it is ok to write a breakup letter through facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do men think it is ok to write a breakup letter through facebook? - SieOlson - 11-09-2012 08:45 PM

So here is the situation. My boyfriend and I met in January of 2009 and got engaged in May of the same year. Then on June 11 of this year, he send me a facebook message saying that we have gone separate ways and aren't meant to be together. I am just looking for some advice on how to get through this. Any advice?

- Daniel B - 11-09-2012 08:54 PM

Call him up. I reckon that is the lowest way to break up with someone, especially when they've been ENGAGED for more than 1 year!!!!!
What a sore looooooooser!!!
Get serious about it, call him up, and tell him to look into your eyes and say he doesnt love you. What a chicken!

- Freddie - 11-09-2012 08:54 PM

well first, don't stereo-type all men (we aren't all douche-bags) you dated for four months and got engaged?!?!?! spend more time w/ a guy b4 things turn more serious, i'm willing to bet that if u had then you could've guessed that he would do a douchey thing like break up over facebook

- Smmorgan - 11-09-2012 08:54 PM

Its cause they ain't got the guts 2 tell you to your face so they take the easiest option to do it by facebook or text.

- crazy_kuts - 11-09-2012 08:54 PM

people that do that are not men they are kids and those are ones you should not waste time on. Thank your lucky stars you didnt married this child! You would have spent your life waiting for him to grow up! You deserve better than this.

- DarkKnight1985 - 11-09-2012 08:54 PM

I'm a man, and I beg to differ.
Not all men think it's okay to do so. Especially not me. I think it's shabby and coward.