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What does # mean on facebook? - Printable Version

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What does # mean on facebook? - Brooklyn Lockhart - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

- Andrea - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

It's called a hash tag it started on twitter

- Timmy yassa - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

Nothing it's just imitating twitter the hashtag symbol means something is trending.

I personally think it's kinda dumb

- Paige - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

If someone does a stays like
Can't wait to go to the pool with my girls
It means that they are like tagging summer basically

- Daniel - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

Your supposed to use it on twitter but some dumbasses decided to bring it to facebook. The hashtag (#) just symbolises something that you can like pass on I guess. Like if someone died, you can put after ur status #RIP(blablabla) and ppl will catch on.

- Jakeâ„¢ - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

Dosn't mean anything on Facebook, you mean Twitter. On twitter the # (hashtag) is used when stating a trend. For example say that 'Chicken Soup' is trending and popular, you would say:
#chickensoup blah blah blah

- Aaron - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

on facebook? absolutely nothing. it started on twitter. its called a hashtag and you use it like this. "chillin with my friends at home #vacationrules." its used solely on twitter and we people use it on facebook it makes me want to shoot them. hope that helps!