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What is a good way to deal with my depression? - Printable Version

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What is a good way to deal with my depression? - Lazy-assedbeef909 - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

Lately ive been feeling pretty depressed. I get verbally abused by my father and i get it worse at school, people tell me to go cry and cut myself, i get called a poser, a bitch, ugly and alot of other things. When i get upset i feel like i have to cut myself to let out the pain but i know that's not healthy and i just have no happiness in my life other than my boyfriend, hes literally all i have. I just don't know how to deal with my depression......advice please? thank you

- Audrey - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

depression is a disease :/
and once you have it, it's hard to get out.
take a moment. an extra moment, every single day and notice the little things in life.
tell you friends I love you. giving compliments can sometimes help as much as getting them.
try talking to somone new. even if it's just asking for something small like a pen during class. who knows? that might turn out to be your best friend.
it's also wonderful that you have a boyfriend to rely on that loves you, but don't turn to him for all your troubles. being independent will help you grow.
above all,
don't think you're depressed. everybody has their gloomy days every now and then.
by thinking you're depressed you're fooling your mind into believing it. and therefore you are.

your sun will come out. soon. and i'm so sure of it.
so smile please. sunshine is yet to come.

and i know this probably sounds very forward of me, but if you follow through with all this and feel that you still need a shoulder to lean on, feel free to add me on facebook and i'll be there (:

-Adrielli Ferrer