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How should i go about re connecting with an old friend? - Printable Version

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How should i go about re connecting with an old friend? - Belovedtoothbrush266 - 11-09-2012 08:50 PM

I stopped talking to a really close friend and we drifted apart( was my fault really) Haven't spoken to her in 3 years and i have missed her for ages but havent had the guts to try and talk to her. Recently added her on facebook, want to talk to her send her a message but don't know if i should cause she might not want to hear from me and don't know what to say?

- Alex - 11-09-2012 08:59 PM

do not be silly, add it on facebook and search your mail and dereccion comunicate with her.

- pixlove - 11-09-2012 08:59 PM

If she reciprocated & added you as a Facebook friend, that's a good sign. She's probably open to reconnecting. Comment on a few of her status updates and photos, then send her a message that you have missed her friendship & then just ask her how she has been. Start with something simple so she doesn't feel overwhelmed. I think things will develop from there...good luck.

- Shirley D - 11-09-2012 08:59 PM

If the friend let you add them to your facebook they must want to hear from you also. Just send a note saying its been a awhile and you are wondering how things are going. Wait for them to respond and say you would like to get together sometime and tell them you miss them.