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How to ask out a girl over facebook? - Printable Version

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How to ask out a girl over facebook? - Mogi - 11-09-2012 08:53 PM

So I added this one girl on Facebook I havent seen since elementary school. Im 22 now, and we both live in nearby cities. I think shes way cute and was wondering how I should go about trying to get a date. I havent yet commented her yet. And I know shes single.

- Hayley Alford - 11-09-2012 09:02 PM

I would say don't ask her out over facebook as in 'want to be my girlfriend?'. But it's safe to ask her how she is doing. what has she been up to. talk about life since you last saw eachother and then maybe ask her to have coffee with you or something. It's safer that way. Smile Good luck

- Phoebe Greene - 11-09-2012 09:02 PM

start talking to her... options:
a) "accidentily" chat her
b) comment and/or chat her "hi! i haven't seen (talked to) you in so long!" (or whatever, something like that.)

once you've done that be like "oh we should see eachother sometime. i know this great little place.. blah blah blah"

and you live happily ever after. congratulations.

- frumx1stx2xlast - 11-09-2012 09:02 PM

that's the worst way to ask someone out, besides texting.
do it in person, or at least a phone call.