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Why do people think the Norway shooter is a white nationalist? - Printable Version

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Why do people think the Norway shooter is a white nationalist? - Operation fun - 11-09-2012 08:56 PM

The guy killed 80 ethnic Nords and is a staunch supporter of Israel. His facebook does not mention Israel or Jews once. Why would an ethnic nationalist kill members of his own ethnic group? Makes no sense
@Krista there are Marxists supporting multiculturalism.

- Lib Nemesis - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

Yeah it does seem strangely odd that an alleged white nationalist would target his own kind

- Krista - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

Because he believes that they were 'marxists' and that they were trying to bring about/support multiculturalism.

- agreeablesack664 - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

He's a terrorist, thats all I know.

- Buh Hurt - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

He said so.

- A Voice of Reason - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

There is clearly enough evidence to charge him for it.

As for your silly ethnic nationalist question, why don't you ask that to members of the Taliban and al Qaeda?

- Q - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

Nationalists have been known to kill members of their own ethnic group using the argument that the people they are killing are traitors to the cause of their group. Like, Hitler killed many of his own allies, memers of his party, even members of his inner circle, on the Night of the Long Knives, because he felt they were a threat and killing them would serve the cause. Same could be true of this guy.

- Jamaluddin - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

he targeted a camp of labour party supporters, who are easy on immigration law.

- Blanco y egro - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

Crimes are committed based on the urges & commitment of the assailant or group no matter what Ideology one has as it exist in any spectrum what matters is who has lost restraint the most & encouragingly act on such action.

Theologist, Communist, Fascist, even aristocracy use Tribal/Nationalism as just another tool to manipulate in order to accomplish their agenda. It can be religious, political, communal, redistribution, or anti something or anything.

Imperial, China, Ottoman, Middle Eastern Kingdoms, & Japan were Nationalistic even hunter gathering kingdoms or villages were nationalistic.

Republic =
Representation base rule by Businessmen, Industrialist, Philosophers, & Commoners allows economic freedom & property rights.

State heavily controlled by Paramilitary Bureaucrats a firm grip on Business/Economy allows property rights selectively.

State heavily controlled by Paramilitary Bureaucrats, usually Lawyers, a firm grip on Industry/Economy/Property (no property rights)

State controlled by the Aristocracy/Nobility allows economic freedom/property rights or controllingly grips it selectively.

State controlled by the Church

Where private or public are made to conform to political cronyism towards total government system in control of ones destiny through a socialist spectrum whether it be Fascist or Communist (Union labor government with non existent collective bargaining) total government out of a desire to a perfect society that may be politically, corporately, ethnically/tribally, religiously (Khalifate), nobility/aristocratically, or anti religiously oriented.
Where personal freedom or choice does not matter, centralizing/monopolizing what food to eat, what vehicles to own, regulating hunting of game especially the endangered ones & chopping down trees in the forest controlled by a nobility, eugenics/euthanasia, population control, rationed aid only, forced menial, low status or depraving labor for able bodied non retirement age, no collective bargaining, gulags for criminal & political dissidents, & swift execution of drug addicts/dealers (Commies), pregnancies along with the mother (Cuba/North Korea), hardened criminals, & political oppositions at the start of their revolution or expansion.

Communities, or Sovereign must understand that Negative sentiments add to Stereotypes when the majority of the collective behaves in a negative light towards others & themselves through criminal act & behaviors that are unacceptable for anybody, without discipline, opposition, & punishment from their own collective, justifying the stereotype, especially when the act or behavior is glorified, celebrated & encourage by the collective. In all society, guest or visitors must behave themselves before the host, other wise they are abusing, disrespecting, provoking the host hospitality & restraint.
Positive sentiment add to Stereotypes when a majority behave honorably, with great restraint, self reliance, humility, courtesy, honesty, & shame.

- Bloatedtoad - 11-09-2012 09:05 PM

It's to change the face of terrorism as a new agenda unfolds. Alex Jones predicted this THE DAY BEFORE on his 2 1/2 hour show and explained why we would see this who they are and what their agenda is:

Here is the condensed version of the Alex Jones Show from the DAY BEFORE the Norway attacks. Go straight to 6:30 to get into the core prediction:

NOW, maybe you may want to watch the whole show so here is the first link:

You can find the other links (parts 2 through 10) to the right to watch the whole thing.