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Can I block a specific list of friends from my default facebook newsfeed? - Printable Version

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Can I block a specific list of friends from my default facebook newsfeed? - Heather - 11-09-2012 08:59 PM

Sick of seeing updates from people I don't even speak to. I don't want to delete them from facebook but I would like to block a large number from my newsfeed. Is this possible via friend lists? or some other way? I waste too much time looking at information I don't care about. Help!

- Big Bill The Bull - 11-09-2012 09:07 PM

Heather this is so unbelievable, I am gong through my Yahoo friends and thinning out the ones I never talk with. Your name came up, and of course we have not kept in touch, but for some reason I didn't dump you, I sent an invitation to share our updates. Then I'm on answers and here you are again, that's twice in less than one hour. It's been said things happen in threes, so I'm waiting for a knock on my door! lol. Or more realistic some mail. Sorry I can't hep you out with your question.

Take Care


- Moustafa - 11-09-2012 09:07 PM

You can remove friends from the News Feed list (from your default stream) simply by clicking the "Hide" that appears when you hover over their story in your stream.

To add someone back to your News Feed, follow these steps:
Scroll down to the bottom of your News Feed and click "Edit Options."
If you are looking for a friend, scan the list to find that person. If you are looking for a public profile, select the Public Profiles tab.
Click "Add to News Feed" to see their posts again.
Click "Close" to save your changes.