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What's your sun/asc/mercury and do you act differently in real life than you do online? - Printable Version

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What's your sun/asc/mercury and do you act differently in real life than you do online? - NONAME - 11-09-2012 09:00 PM

i'm the same, maybe a little crazier


- Meero - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

iam more serious online

- Shriekingbrother291 - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM


I act the same, but much quieter.
In real life I talk waaay too much Tongue

- Simone - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

I am pretty much the same, but in real life I probably wouldn't hold back my response to nasty remarks. I don't see the point of standing my ground on the computer, it's just as bad as arguing with someone through a text. lol

- thankfulrecess688 - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

No I act the same as I would in real life. I am an honest person and I am just me and if people don't like that then tough, im not going to put on a false pretence about who I am. Smile

Scorpio Sun
Pisces Moon
Aquarius Rising
Sagittarius Mercury Smile

- Snickerzz - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

I'm basically the same.
I just act a little more shy sometimes in real life but only when I first meet someone or don't know them well.

pisces sun
taurus ascendant
pisces mercury

- Bittermint274 - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

Your king is equally annoying, obnoxious, vain, arrogant, smug and pompus in real life as he is on line.

- shaken sparrow - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

Hmmm... depends on my mooddddd Tongue if I'm chill I'll seem kinda serious online and not use many faces. if I'm happy! like now, I will use more faces add extra letters and act very weird online! =D
I also tend to talk a lot when I'm happy which can sometimes result in typing a lot as well. If I am not in a bad mood I probably wouldn't be typing much, like one word answers or not answering and just starring everything. in real life when I'm sad I sleep...

I'm going to shut up now! LOL

Virgo sun, Leo rising, Libra mercury.

- shallowfriction874 - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

I think I'm a little worse in real life than I am on line. I'm just as hasty and straight forward. The only difference is in real life I can keep going on going with an argument without someone being a b*tch and reporting my answer. (Theres no report abuse icon to save you in real life. Wink ) And I'm also able to cause PHYSICAL violent harm to someone who feels the need to say crappy stuff to me in real life. Unfortunaly, it's kind of hard to break someones jaw or blacken someones eye when you are restricted to a key board only. lol

- Jilly - 11-09-2012 09:08 PM

Definitely the same personality but I'm a lot more emotional, spiritual, solid, personal and open online. People I know in reality aren't interested in what I'm really into that's a big part of my life, so it's hard to relate or talk about anything with them since i can't talk to them about things that are a big part of me. I don't relate to many ppl. But here I can chat up a storm with ppl who share a common interest. So the internet is a huge social relief for me. I'm more into YouTube and Y!A then Facebook. My closest friends do know I'm "weird" though cuz I make them listen to me Wink

When I write, the things I say make more sense and flow, since I can take my time, but when i talk in person i usually end up saying a bunch of mispronounced words slapped together in a sentence. I tend to confuse people when I talk being I think and talk at the same time so I'll be talking about 3 off topic things at once. I have a hard time trying to explain things and have less to say in person being i hold back and need time to process things. So people may think I'm shy or sad when really I'm not. Friends, relatives and even friends parents usually sarcastically say "Don't talk so much" to me and I don't even notice I wasn't talking cuz I'm always thinking up conversations or off in Jillworld. I feel like I'm a specter watching a movie if that makes sense. I like to listen to them.

I love meeting new people from all over the world and will talk to random people on here or strangers on the street but I don't know how to go about approaching people I "know" but not really knwo if u know what i mean. Bottom line I am as big of a freak online as I am in reality. Just socially in person to people at school I don't say as much. I wouldn't want to act like someone I'm not for reasons of my own.
