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Girls how would you feel if your supposed boyfriend did this? - Printable Version

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Girls how would you feel if your supposed boyfriend did this? - Bored - 11-09-2012 09:00 PM

Alright so on facebook my boyfriend clicks that he likes this girls picture. She has on heels and looks confident or whatever, but i feel that is kind of disrespectful to our relationship. Do you think i am overreacting? How do you feel about your boyfriend clicking that he likes other girls pictures online? Or how would you feel?

- Secret Santa - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

It's okay for him to like pictures of other people. That's normal. It doesn't mean he's unfaithful to you or wants to cheat on you or anything.

No worries.

- Emi - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

depends on how good of friends they are... if not so much then i would be pretty annoyed. if so he could just be trying to be nice. it also depends on the guy and how much you trust him. if it bugs you terribly, just talk to him in a way where he can't get defensive.

- peniel!:) - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

no it is not okay. well, i have jealousy issues.. lol. so for me if my boyfriend even talks to a girl a get very pist off. but i honestly think commenting other girls pictures that are slutty is very disrespectful. he shouldnt do that

- Casey - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

I think you may be overreacting a bit. I like pictures all the time, not because they happen to be attractive, but it could be another reason. If this was like a random girl he was searching for, then I might be a bit heated, but if its a friend let it go. Besides, the reality is we are all attracted to others, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you.

- RainingFrogs - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

It's pretty much the equivalent of flirting in real life; I mean as long as it wasn't intentionally concealed from you I would just bite my tongue but at the same time keep an eye on your bf and his interactions with his girl friends. If it really bothers you then I would just tell him, that you found it disrespectful and it hurt your feelings. I don't know the dynamics of your relationship but if he's secretive with his phone and facebook and doesn't openly acknowledge you as his gf then I'd probably break it off but if he's trustworthy and this is the only thing he's done to upset you in that department then I'd cut him a break and dismiss it as harmless flirting ( keep in mind you don't want to suffocate your bf w unrealistic expectations regarding his interactions w other girls).

- miss bliss - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

Your boyfriend and every other man on earth (including your future husband, should you marry) will at some point find themselves attracted to another woman. It's biology, it's fact, it's nothing to be feared. You are aware of certain male characteristics that you -personally- find attractive, right? In the amount of time that you've been dating this boyfriend, could you safely say you have found yourself attracted to a different boy/man at least once? If so, stop worrying. Be the girl who knows she's got something about her that the person she's dating is attracted to. Bonus: confidence is attractive -- another thing for him to like about you!

You'll be happier, he'll find you logical and irresistably confident, and it will all work out in the end.

So in answer to your questions:
1.) Yes, I think you are over-reacting, but it's not your fault. That's how most women are raised to feel.
2.) I joke with my husband about the women I catch him eyeing up. I tell him which men I think are attractive. Then we have amazing sex and are reminded, again, how awesome it is to have each other.
3.) I would probably comment in reply to a picture I found my husband "liking" on Facebook. Something like, "Haha yeah I *bet* you like this one, huh?!"

- JD - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

Basically.. If it was a guy, would you care? So why should it be any different? If he had left a sleezy comment or something you would have the right to be upset, but he hit the "like" button.. So what? The fact that she's wearing heels and looks confident is irrelevant, so maybe he has attractive female friends, no big deal. If you're still concerned though, or it's not the first time for this particular girl, say something about it to him. I suppose it all comes down to the fact that you're uncomfortable with it, and I'm sure that probably didn't even cross his mind when he did it.

- Mari - 11-09-2012 09:09 PM

honestly, i wouldnt think too much of it. he just 'liked' a picture. its not like he commented on it "oh, baby lets bang" we are all allowed to 'like' our friends pictures. only because he is in a relationship doesnt mean he cant do that. just my two cents.

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