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How to tell a girl I like them in high school? - Printable Version

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How to tell a girl I like them in high school? - Jazza blues - 11-09-2012 09:04 PM

There is/was a girl in my class which I really like and want her to know that I am interested/like her. But school has finished for the year and I probably won't see her until next year. So should I wait until next year or tell her via Facebook or other?

- Verbal_Haze - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

Just be a man and tell her how you feel in person before you might regret brother..there's nothing to lose u feel least u tried and made a you will see the results

- mikey - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

You goto her house call her, or anything, but no facebook, because youll seem too unconfident.
Can you answer mine ?;_ylt=AlfY.ajuQUrKlh8bw7U.yM7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111214100855AAF9Pov.

- Sandeep Kumar - 11-09-2012 09:12 PM

Be a man . go and purpose her. If u wait she will find other.