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My daughter lives with my wife and me and the biological mother does not want to pay child support.? - Printable Version

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My daughter lives with my wife and me and the biological mother does not want to pay child support.? - Martha RIHIEUHIKRBI BJXBHJKB IBJ - 11-09-2012 09:04 PM

My daughter has lived with my wife and myself for the past 2 years while her mother was in and out of jail and rehab. She currently lives with her husband and has been served with child support papers. She refuses to pay. What are the legal ramifications if she doesn't pay child support?

- Emma Galden - 11-09-2012 09:13 PM

definitely go to court

- SuperCee - 11-09-2012 09:13 PM

The same ramifications that a man would be under. She can go to jail. She can have her wages garnished and her current husband can also be forced to pay the support. You should get in touch with Child Support Enforcement. They will make sure you get your child support.

- Amerra! - 11-09-2012 09:13 PM

She can get fined, prison the whole lot. if a judge things she has enough money to pay, then shes going to have to pay, talk to her though, find out why she won't pay if you can. she might not feel like she gets enough time with the child, if so work something out with her. If she isn't paying thou cos she would rather get high or drunk and buy a new outfit then take it to court!! you have like every right too!!

- superwoman - 11-09-2012 09:13 PM

She has no choice, she will accumulate arrears. they could suspend her license, any work licenses, garnish any checks she may earn, garnish her tax returns, they could even throw her in jail. they will likely let her get away with it for awhile because you can't pay child support in jail but she will always owe you from the date of the petition on and will never be able to have her name on any bank accounts, checks, assets, etc. without the courts pursuing her. you don't really have to do anything other than petition and show up for court, they do the rest.

you could also take her to small claims after arrears have added up to a significant amount and sue her there.

take it from me, i have a deadbeat baby daddy, just take care of the child yourself and not worry or depend on the support. you will most likely get it eventually, some here, some there. you have your child so be grateful for that.

- George McCasland - 11-09-2012 09:13 PM

First, you should know that if she has a drug problem that can result in not being able to work, you could be ordered to pay her child support.

Only about 15% of custodial fathers are awarded child support. Roughly equal those ordered to still pay. Of those, only 5% every receive anything from the mother. However, there is no statute of limitations on collection, plus interest, as long as you keep the claim current, so you will have first claim on any assets she receives.