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How do people randomly find and follow you on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How do people randomly find and follow you on Twitter? - Mlek Booth - 11-09-2012 09:15 PM

I get that people follow to promote themselves, but how did they find me? Is it from retweeting things? That's all I can think of, since I'm very, very noob at this. And let me tell you, they are really random, like random types of people, but they seem legit (not phishes/scams etc).. or maybe they are lol.

Yeah, new to this thing as you can tell. Thanks.

- mjwachi - 11-09-2012 09:23 PM

When you search a topic in the search bar (hashtag or not), people who have tweeted on it are displayed in the results. It's from here that people pick those they would follow.

Retweeting makes you visible to more people who may potentially follow.