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How do I convince my mother to let me get a Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I convince my mother to let me get a Facebook? - narrowtoothpaste429 - 11-09-2012 09:17 PM

I really want a facebook and all my friends are on it! My older sister has one, and she recently got a job, so i know there's stuff she's not telling me. Plus, what if we got a family facebook??? my mother is seriously an 'old fashioned type': she wears long dresses, we live in a big old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, and her dream in life is to breed cows. Okay, maybe not DREAM in life.... help?~?~?

- prince_kimmy - 11-09-2012 09:25 PM

let her know that she can trust you on facebook , my mom did the same thing honey , just make sure you kep things PG 13 and that what she sees on your facebook she can look at it and say maybe i can trust my daughter / son on this facebook thingy or you can just make one without her knowing . Not a smart idea but thats what i can say = )

- MADILYNNE BELLA - 11-09-2012 09:25 PM

Well, it depends on how far you are willing to go. The only way i got a facebook was by telling my mom my password, so that she can rake through regularly. But that all depends on whether you trust your mom not to do something embarrassing.

- Js PC Repair - 11-09-2012 09:25 PM

Personally, maybe your mother is trying to protect you.

In my personal opinion, I would not let my daughter (or son for that matter)
have a Web based Community Account until they were older and knew the

There is good reason I would not want my children (excuse the phrase) to
have such an account...
There have been a lot of bad things happen to nice people from those types
of places.

Recently in the news there have been several incidents linked to Facebook.

Also, on Youtube, there is a video that talks about how dangerous Facebook
is because of the people who own it.
It is a database used for gathering information about anyone on it and the
people who run it have been associated with the CIA and other agencies.

Watch this video and then you decide... and even tell your sister about it...
She might close her account.

WARNING Facebook CIA Database privacy

I will NOT have a Facebook account because there is no reason that
ANYONE should know that much about anyone.

- anananaarghh - 11-09-2012 09:25 PM

Okay, first thing's first: find out why she doesn't want you on there and talk to her about it. If she's concerned about privacy then perhaps ask your older sister to show her how easy it is to protect yourself on there. If she's worried you're not old enough, then assure her it's perfectly safe as long as you're 13 and over and facebook takes extra protection for users under 18.

Tell her facebook is a great way to keep in touch with people you've drifted from and a place where you can turn acquaintances into good friends. If this fails, tell her it's a quick way to get in touch if you need homework help or need your friend's help.

Show her you're responsible enough for one and that she can trust you in whatever way you think will work on her. She should let you on there once she sees there's nothing to fear. Although, if everything fails, then consider making one against her will. That's what I had to resort to and when my mum found out, I just proved to her it was completely safe and she was fine with it (:

Good luck! Big Grin