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why on facebook are some people so afraid to show their birthdate? - Printable Version

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why on facebook are some people so afraid to show their birthdate? - infinione - 11-09-2012 09:24 PM

It's like who cares if your such and such years least try to feel comfortable and happy about it. I think when people are afraid to show these things on facebook it shows they are weak and insecure about them selfs or have something to hide.

- Colin - 11-09-2012 09:33 PM

Or they don't want weirdo stalkers knowing their age.

- Michael - 11-09-2012 09:33 PM

It is because they are afraid to show there true age. they are afraid you will know how old they really are.

- Kita - 11-09-2012 09:33 PM

It's not just that, people believe it can be a security issue. With all the identity theft these days people are being very cautious.

- Matt - 11-09-2012 09:33 PM

they might just be underage and the birth date could be something ridiculous. therefore, they don't want somebody to think that they're 100 years old and have a profile picture of a 12 year old.

- Megan - 11-09-2012 09:33 PM

Maybe they have lied about their age in the past and are afraid someone will see the wrong age.

- "IXOVII,FSHRMN" - 11-09-2012 09:33 PM

It is of personal preference. But, you can't be too safe these days, with the high rate of identity theft going on. That info can be used for just that, identity theft. Some can find things on people, and put two and two together, with that info and make a bad mess... with credit e.t.c.

So, it is a security issue.

- dartagnon p - 11-09-2012 09:33 PM

A lot of people are afraid of losing their "friends" if they tell the truth.

when I was in my 30's I never told people my age b/c I was always too old for 20 somethings and too young for 40 and up somethings ... 30 year olds were in the same slump as me so they were never any fun .... but now that I'm "older" as in 60 its great ... father or grandfather figure to many, wise and learned to others, studly and high libido to others ... so I don't mind people knowing my age now.

I think that like EVERYTHING in life we go through stages and there seems to be a definite stage for people to "forget" their true birthdays.
