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Getting rid of facebook mafia wars? - Printable Version

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Getting rid of facebook mafia wars? - Victoria - 11-09-2012 09:26 PM

I need to know how to contact someone working with facebook. My mom is literally addicted to the game Mafia Wars on facebook. That's all she does. It's hurting our family and I want to email someone. Even to see if they could just shut it down for like a day? Like Christmas? I'd like for my mother to be present during Christmas instead of upstairs playing that damn game. Because that's how she spent thanksgiving. HELP!

- Johnny - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

OMG ts the same with my mom and farmville jesus I hate facebook lmao I wish they would shut it all down for a day I dont know how you can get addicted to that stuff

- Rave Master - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

Hm well if you know her password deelete the game off her liist and change her password then when she tries to login in be liike Hmm sounds like you got hacked. Lol

- Perpetual - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

Facebook does not run Mafia Wars, it is ran by Zynga. I can assure you that no one in either company will care about your cause, so you are left taking it into your own hands.

Changing her Facebook password will not stop her from logging on, she can just request a new password by using her you would have to block her email access also if you chose that route.

Deleting Mafia Wars also does nothing, with a click of a button, it will reinstall.

Here are a few ways to keep someone off of Facebook for a day or so.
1. Go outside your house and physically disconnect your cable line where it runs into your house...if you use Cable Internet. She will be left thinking that there is a internet/cable outage, it takes a cable company at least a week to come out and fix issues...I used to work for one.

2. If you are using Dial-up or DSL, take the cord that runs from the modem/router to the computer and hide it.

3. Hide the power cord for the modem or even hide the power cord for the computer.

4. Set up your router (if you have one) to filter out Everytime she goes to visit, she will be greeted with a network error screen...but the rest of the internet will work. If you need instructions on how to do this, find out the maker of your router and google "<maker> filter how to".

5. Add a password to every account on the computer, if they already have passwords...change them. If the user does not know what they are doing, they will have to reinstall Windows to get back on the computer.

All of these are temporary fixes, the one of setting up a filter on the router will last the longest out of all because it mimics an internet problem and no one thinks to check for changed settings.

Best of luck to you on this issue, I feel your pain.

- Drunkentreatment985 - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

Go to Application Settings and delete mafia Wars.