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How do i reunite my family? - Printable Version

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How do i reunite my family? - LiteraryGenius - 11-09-2012 09:37 PM

My family moved when i was 5 years old, about 2 hours by car away from our relatives. And, i'm sad that i rarely see my cousins (once every two years), and now the youngest has just left for university, and we visited them today. I want to see them more, and be good friends with them because i think family is important, i'm only 16 so it feels strange for me to be pushing this. I mentioned this to my mum, but she didn't really say much. What should i do? Should I start emailing my aunt and talking to her about it? Should I go by train and visit them alone?

- smalldirt839 - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

You are 16. This means that you should be more than capable of going to visit them if you wish to. Having contact with your aunt my be a good thing. Do none of you have a facebook account? Your Mum don't forget, has had 11 years to get used to the idea of not seeing them all that often so to her it probably does seem like no big deal. Your life, your family and your choice Smile

- Nicole - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

try to have your mum or aunts have more family gathering where yall can meet up with each other 1/2 the way so instead of a 2 hour drive its only an hour pop a cd in and before u know it your there just plan little gatherings my fams like that too

- JL - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

The great thing about facebook, email, etc is that you can keep in touch really easily without it being either a massive effort or a big deal. Just start talkin g to them online and you'll become a big part of each other's lives without having to see each other all the time, and then not only will you make more of an effort to see each other but you will have a better connection when you do. But you will have to be prepared for a bit of a wait - even though it sounds like you all get on well you have to respect their feelings too. It's hard to just create relationships so you can't just snap your fingers and decide that now is the time to put yourself into their lives - you might have to ease into it but don't be put off by that, just keep making the effort.

- farplaces - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

What you are doing, Lit, is pushing your mom to do what you think is best and not for what she thinks is best for herself. She has her own reasoning for not hanging on to a physical contact and it's obvious your relatives two hours away share your mom's feelings.

They are adults with issues not dumped on their children and if children should try to open these issues then more problems evolve. There is no harm to tell your mom that you would enjoy more closeness to your cousins, but don't expect the same of her or even the reasons why she may have no interest.

I would suggest you first email or call your relatives and never ask why the close contact between families was lost. I suppose I could ask you why you have waited until age 16 to make this decision, right...? Why have you not communicated between those two year visits...?

Lit, families divide for many reasons and lose contact for more reasons. Then, years later, someone like you searches these lost relatives with good intentions. Some may correspond and some may not even care. People change as the grow, Lit, and sometimes sadness tears lives apart.

You must learn to accept disappointments while never giving up. Family is important, you bet it is. If none of your relatives try, that is no reason to quit. They will never forget as your letters or calls reach them at times and it may be years passing before they choose to respond. Then, you will have your rewards of success.

Now, as a 16 year old with cousins you want contact with...go for it...! It's better to have tried than not to have tried at all...

Email or telephone first by saying.........I have been thinking about you and....

Keep up the nice thoughts, Lit.

- hb12 - 11-09-2012 09:45 PM

Well, family can be important and friends can too. Some people want more togetherness at one time in their life and less at another. You have to sound each one out and see what they suggest or if they are interested. Maybe you can mix in your and their friends also, but living closer seems to me to be the only real solution. I mean I can see you getting together at holidays or something and other times, but every few weeks might be a little much to most people. Again, see what they say. Some may be in for it and others not now. Then too I see everyone as family, especially is certain communities and parts of the country. Friendliness or socializing is a mind set some have and others don't. Some are just close to friends and not family. I find that sad, but it seems to be a trend today.