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How do i know my girlfriend doesnt like another guy? - Printable Version

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How do i know my girlfriend doesnt like another guy? - AJW22492 - 11-09-2012 09:40 PM

My girlfriend, has a best friend who is a guy, they talk all the time, and i see them talking all the time on there facebooks and wht not, i feel like they might be up to something, whenever i ask her about it, she says we are just really good friends,

what do i do?

- kelsey123 - 11-09-2012 09:49 PM

trust her. dont stalk her.

- Kayla S - 11-09-2012 09:49 PM

dont worry!;_ylt=Agxh64qH8otCvN8pABC0blrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090618195738AApzQdZ

- fortyandfrustrated - 11-09-2012 09:49 PM

My best friend in high school and to this day was a guy....I didn't find out (or accept) that he was gay until our mid twenties, and I'm talking since 5th grade. Trust her! If it was possible for them to be together they would be. Obviously she wants you, don't run her off with misplaced jealously!!

- hmblms23 - 11-09-2012 09:49 PM

there is a lot of things that u can look out for
if u know the specific guy, look at their body language
there is a show Lie To Me that will help with this, and although it is just a show, i have actually tried to carry what the characters use into real life just for fun, and it really works
if u want to use this to figure it out, go on (it is a safe site) and search lie to me (if you dont trust me with this site, go to the website for the tv channel fox and go to lie to me full episodes
the episode "sacrifice" has a section where the main character decribes the characteristics of flirting
this involves tilting the head sideways and using excuses to break the personal space barrier, such as if he tells a joke, your girlfriend could laugh and softly touch his arm while at the same time moving closer to him. i hope this helps