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Could he be the reason i lack confidence? - Printable Version

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- nadie - 11-09-2012 09:54 PM

1) Never EVER depend on a guy to make you feel pretty. You do that for yourself.
2) Get a man who will do that. If a guy can easily give you a bad critique and never a good one, he's not the one.
3) He is not the reason why you lack confidence. Your lack of confidence is why you ended up with a guy like him. Get some therapy. I mean it. Get that self esteem up high, that new magnetism will attract the right guy.

- Exonna - 11-09-2012 09:54 PM

With the constant put downs, yea he is the reason you lack confidence.

Why be with a man who never compliments you? Why be with a man who doesn't make you feel beautiful or loved?

This person sounds like bad news. My advice is to get away from him and find you someone who will love you and treat you how you deserve to be treated.

- Ms.Fabulous - 11-09-2012 09:54 PM

If he doesnt give you what you want then its time to find who can...your not married to him...thank God

- *Shrink Nettie* - 11-09-2012 09:54 PM

My spouse he pretty much acts in the same matter as your boyfriend. When my husband and I first go together he would make sure he would make me feel good on the inside. He would whistle at me; call me sexy all the time; even his "Little His Little Sexy Bunny" He would also always make sure he told me he loved me at least five times a day. He would hold my hand so, on and so on. Then like two years into the marriage it all stopped it never was the same anymore. He would not even hold my hand while we were in the store. He would not even do it at his Mother's house. Now, many years later- I am always like "Do, you have something you would like to say to me" He then comes back to me "I love you" or "love you, sexy" I know he is trying and all- but those are things that we do need to hear. So, I know how you're feeling here. It does make us feel like we are not loved, not wanted, and so much more. I have even told my Hubby, this he keeps telling me he will do his best and try to act like he use too; but, I think he is only saying that just to get me to shut up.

After I loss my leg due to this disease I was born with- it means a lot to me too hear those words from my spouse; and also with all these tumors I getting it also makes me feel so little of myself; I cannot even bear to live with how it is making me look.

I do hope though things work for the better for the two of you
All, you can do is let him, know how he is making you feel and
What it is doing to you...