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Is it possible to hack somebody's personal files from a different computer? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to hack somebody's personal files from a different computer? - Taylor Z - 11-09-2012 09:48 PM

A kid I know says that it is possible to hack a computer from another computer across the internet.... I don't just mean hacking their facebook profile or something, I mean like getting onto the other computer and looking at pics and deleting stuff and viewing personal info... My brother says this isn't possible, but the other kid swears it is. DON'T TELL HOW TO DO IT, I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF IT'S POSSIBLE!

- Tallest Skil - 11-09-2012 09:56 PM

Yeah, we won't be helping you do anything. The "other kid" can say practically anything and it WILL be possible. There's no stopping anyone with enough determination.

Your brother needs a clue.

- The Phlebob - 11-09-2012 09:56 PM

As far as the Internet is concerned, distance is irrelevant. Your neighbor could hack your computer just as well as could a hacker in the Far East.

And yes, it is possible. A good firewall, properly set up, can deter them, but because firewalls are static and humans are creative, given the incentive and the will, I'd bet on the hacker.

Hope that helps.

- teeny-tinythrone053 - 11-09-2012 09:56 PM

I dont think so, but if you want to get back at that kid make up a better white lie. Or even better a true one. Like, there was a man in China lng ago who had a horn growing out the back of jis head. True story. Sorry if I didn't help.

- Jay - 11-09-2012 09:56 PM

yes it is possible, get some of my tips on how to be SAFE ONLINE! go to