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I know this sounds snobby, but--please answer? - Printable Version

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I know this sounds snobby, but--please answer? - soumy - 11-09-2012 09:54 PM

First, I just want to say: I have a college degree, I spell very well, I have great grammar, lol... but I also know casual "web slang" like "ttyl, lol, brb", etc.....

Does it bug you when you meet someone and they grew up in a bomb shelter and don't know even the most SIMPLE abbreviations I listed above?

I was making a new friend online, and he literally did not know what "TTYS" stood for .... and it just TURNED me off!

--I'm not a snob, or immature, but I expect friends to be "up to date" with this simple slang??? Thoughts??

- Monika - 11-09-2012 10:02 PM

Okay. Nobody uses TTYS at all. So therefore YOU annoy me.

- 말라기 - 11-09-2012 10:02 PM

not all people are as familiar with internet slang. it's not really a bad thing, it means they're not online all day.

- Mr. Smartypants - 11-09-2012 10:02 PM

I love slang and colloquialisms as much as anyone. But since the Internet, and the WWW and MySpace and Facebook and Twitter, slang has moved faster than at any time in the history of the English language. I'm having trouble keeping up with it myself.

So tacp. (Take a Chill Pill).

- Mr. Smartypants - 11-09-2012 10:02 PM

AISI, NO1 RLY needs 2 no, KNIM?

What's wrong with English?

TTFN Smile