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What is the most creative tweet you can think of, to help my daughter win this contest? - Printable Version

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What is the most creative tweet you can think of, to help my daughter win this contest? - kate - 11-09-2012 09:55 PM

Her school is having this competition where parents can tweet once a day, and by the end of the month, the parent with the most creative tweets wins the grand prize for their child.

The grand prize is to have a homestay (and classroom based language study) in Tarifa, Spain for 1 month. I'm new to twitter, and can't think of creative ways to show that my daughter is the perfect candidate. She's been taking Spanish her whole life at school, she loves to travel and experience new cultures, and she's a nice, well-rounded, responsible person. But when I say it that way, it's quite boring. The tweets have to POP to win.

So I was wondering if you have any ideas.. feel free to post more than one, as I'll have to post 1 tweet each day, for the rest of this month (17 tweets), to maximize my chances. I'll be so grateful if you can help! My daughter really deserves this, as we can't afford such a trip otherwise.

- David - 11-09-2012 10:03 PM

When I send out tweets, I use a couple of things to get people's attention. First, try and use a hashtag. A hashtag is a keyword that is started with the # symbol. Usually these are used to categorize or to make it easier for people to find you. An example of this would be #earthquake or #aftershock to represent that your tweet talks about the recent earthquake.

Also, another technique is the use of [brackets]. This makes your tweets stand out from other peoples and makes it easy to scan and makes your tweets POP more.

Since there was no specific subject or criteria of what you should tweet about, here is a generic example:

.@SchoolTwitterNameGoesHere My daughter [REALLY, REALLY, REALLY] want to win the trip #BecauseILoveMyDaughter

Make sure that you mention the schools Twitter account or they will not be able to to see the tweet. Second, if you add a period in front of the @ symbol, it will let everyone that is following you but, not following the school see the tweet.

This is just an example of a tweet that you could send. I like to use hashtags to be funny or get a point across. I have been using Twitter for a year and a half and have an account with over 22k people. If you need anything else, get a hold of me by sending a tweet to @drivinmedia

Good Luck!

- Tumbit - 11-09-2012 10:03 PM

How are the school measuring 'creative' ? - I will assume they mean the most times your Tweets get re-tweeted or mentioned, together with the amount of followers you can acquire in this time ?

To start with, you should create an account and a basic profile page where any followers, or those who click on your Tweets can read about you and whatever you are promoting.

Then you have 140 characters of space to convey a message. Try and make it as eye-catching as possible.

If you look at the Twitter homepage every morning, just before you make your Tweet you will see 'trending topics', which are basically the most popular subjects that people are searching for....celebrities names, current affairs, sports teams etc... if you can use one of these in your Tweet you will attract more attention.

Also use a hashtag where appropriate ( a # with no space ahead of the following word ) - this adds the word you have chosen into a search - for example if you were tweeting about a school event you would put ' #School ' in the body of your Tweet.

Follow as many people as possible to start off with - Twitter etiquette together with the law of averages says that a good percentage of them will follow you back.

- If you follow me on twitter ( ' Tumbit ') I'll follow you back...