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How do you know if you've been blocked on facebook? - Printable Version

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How do you know if you've been blocked on facebook? - SheHatesTheSun - 11-09-2012 09:56 PM

I have this close friend that I had set as my sister, but she no longer appears on my profile as my sister. When I searched her it came up with her name, and that she was still my sister, but I can't load her profile and all the wall posts she made on my wall are gone, also no longer appears on my friends list. I can still see her photo when searched however. Does anyone know what could have possibly happened?

- dxebie4leedeb - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

she deactivated her account.

- therealkiriana - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

easiest way to find out? log out, search her name on google, and if the facebook link opens normally, you were blocked. :/ if the picture shows and you can't open her page, she probably blocked you.

- a l m - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM


You know you've been deleted when that person no longer shows up on your Friends list. You know you've been blocked when you look at the profiles of your friends and if this person wrote on their Wall, the person's name is in black (so it's not a clickable link) and the profile pic is a question mark. The same works for your Wall -- if this person blocked you but left you Wall posts in the past, their name should be in black and their profile pic is a question mark.

Just because you can't search for him or see his name on your friends' Friend list doesn't necessarily mean he blocked you. He may have changed his privacy settings to where his Public Search settings are changed to "Only friends." In that case, no one can search for him -- not with that search box on the left or even see his name on others' Friends lists. Only HE can add people.

Hope this helps?