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Are double barrelled surnames permissable in Islam? - Printable Version

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Are double barrelled surnames permissable in Islam? - Chocamocha - 11-09-2012 09:57 PM

I read that it is haraam to drop your fathers name after marriage, but would like to know is it allowed to take your husbands surname if you keep your fathers name too? For example, if Miss. Smith marrys Mr. Khan, could her name be Mrs. Smith Khan or Mrs. Khan Smith? Here, the fathers name will aways be recognized and it would be more convenient for life in a western society if one would like to have a name in common with her husband and children. Many thanks.

- David Moltisanti - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

this isnt a muslim country

- Edge Spear - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

Where did you read that it is haram to drop your fathers name after marriage?

You can choose whatever name you want.

- Profoundbreakfast966 - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

I married a Spaniard and live in Spain. The system there is that everyone has two surnames - your father´s first and then your mother´s (but that order can be changed), and a woman keeps those surnames for life - she doesn´t change anyting at marriage. At first it was strange for me and my British friends for me not having changed my surname, but Spanish women were horrified by the idea of a woman changing to their husband´s surname - it seems to imply ownership to them.
Anyway, to get to the point - I am now totally against a woman changing her surname at marriage for the simple fact that with this new social network technology like Facebook, a woman having changed their surname makes it super-difficult to find your old female or Uni schoolmates you´d like to get into contact again - but it´s easy to find your male classmates. See? It´s sexist!