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a notice on my computer said that windows is low on virtual memory. how do i fix this problem? - Printable Version

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a notice on my computer said that windows is low on virtual memory. how do i fix this problem? - Robert T - 11-09-2012 09:57 PM

i need help. my comp is windows pentium 4. 512mb ram. when that noticed appeared, my facebook window and yahoo messenger closed.

- Tom Beals - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

- Michael - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

You need to go to control panel, then click add/remove hardware. Then remove old, unused programs.

- Ron M - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

If a computer running Windows requires more memory/RAM then there is installed in the system to run a program, etc, it uses a small section of the hard drive for this purpose. This is called “Virtual” memory, or “Swap Filling”. If the “Swap” file is to small, then you will get a warning that the system can’t perform the operation that you have requested because sufficient “Virtual” memory isn’t available.

You need to enlarge the size of your “virtual memory/swap file”. So, do the following.

Right click “My Computer” and choose “Properties”.
In the “System Properties” window, click the “Advanced” tab.
Under “Performance”, click “Settings”.
In the “Performance Options” window, click “Advanced”.
Under “Virtual memory”, click “Change”.

Increase the size of the “Paging file” so that it is at least twice the size of your RAM. You can increase the size to “Maximum”, it won’t hurt your system at all.

Best cure.

If you really want to eliminate this problem, all you need do is to install more “Memory/RAM”.

- Kashi_takashi - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

You need more "physical" ram plain and simple. Virtual memory is what it says memory that doesn't exist physically but exist on your hard drive. Window has this thing where if the application is not active but hasn't been told to close windows sends it to the hard drive waiting to be active again.

- Bubbie - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

512MB is not enough RAM. Get at least 1GB. Virtual memory can be increased in Performance Options, but you still should have more physical RAM.

What happens is when the 512MB is used up, the pc starts writting it to the hard drive instead. The page file is then used up and your out of vitual memory.

- josue_354 - 11-09-2012 10:05 PM

yeah that used to appear on my screen a lot 2 and i thought it was memory ram but it my graphics card

it might just be ure graphics memory card
if its fabric made (the one that came with ure computer when u first bought it)
u might just need to upgrade ure graphics card

i recommend nvidia