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How do you deal with your spiteful inlaws? - Printable Version

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How do you deal with your spiteful inlaws? - ♥ѕωєєт нєαят♥ - 11-09-2012 09:57 PM

It could be anything... Your mother in law or father in law, or both? I am having problems with both of mine & it's upsetting me :'(

- Dustin - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

move far away and never see them again

- Lost - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

My mother always told me to remember my up bringing when dealing with petty and spiteful people.
Remain calm, polite and wait.

- aceofspadezz - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

Might sound a bit corny, but you kill them with kindness. If all else fails, have your spouse get them in line. In fact, your spouse should do it on their own without you even asking.

- GratefullyUntitled - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

I try and avoid them. That's just me though, I don't know if that will work for everyone.

- Andrea - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

My mother in law is a huge bad word. She judges me. degrates me and talks ish when I'm not around. Her son (my husband) isn't the biological father to my child but blood couldn't make them closer. She has said for years now that I'm using him. My husband finally told her "I'll choose her before ANYONE!" Maybe your husband should say something. Maybe nothing like what mine did but maybe "You're hurting her and I love her" or anything.

- Kelly - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

kill them with kindness and be the better person is what my mom always said. my dad's family was mean and spiteful to most of their children's spouses/mates.. except my mom, they liked her.

My inlaws though, I get along with and like.

- Linda M - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

keep your distance. And remember, they didn't bring you up - you are from an entirely different family/background, so they can't' expect you to act or be what they want you to be.

Stand your ground on issues that are important - but you will have to bite your tongue and let some things slide just to keep the peace.

I have some issues, as how I was brought up is totally different to how my in-laws brought up my husband - it can cause some issues.

I really wish you luck - it is not easy!

- raspyseashore455 - 11-09-2012 10:06 PM

Easy...distance yourself from them but if you need to deal with them, kill them with kindness. I had to deal with an obnoxious brother inlaw and sister inlaw. They went as far as bad mouthing me on facebook. I was so angry that instead of stooping to their level, I deleted his entire family from my Facebook, deleted all their contact numbers, and then I just cut contact with the family. It's been 5 months so far and I like it this way. If people can't add positive vibes into your life, apply the process of elimination and get rid of them.