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How can I get a life? - Printable Version

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How can I get a life? - mochalatteyy33 - 11-09-2012 10:02 PM

I feel like my life is boring because my dad is always in the way of things. You can't do sports because____. You can't hang out with your friends because _____. NO, you cannot use facebook or aim or even youtube. Pull up your grades. He totally ignores all my good grades and subjects I improve on and hammers down on the bad ones. Your NEVER going to get into a good college...BLAH BLAH BLAH. I don't ever seem to go anywhere exciting over the weekends unless people invite me, and I feel like I am missing out on life. Also my mom is better about handling this than my dad in my opinion.That is one reason why I love camp so much it is one month long and tons of fun, where I don't get so bored. I would like to have some suggestions as to what to do about it? Suggestions as to how to enjoy my life and not feel so isolated?
yeah I dont think its a communication problem, but he just is so contrary and says no a lot. He wont even take me out of the house himself to go to lunch or movies or mall or anything.

- *Frans - 11-09-2012 10:11 PM

My dad used to be like that too & it drove me up the wall! Have you tried talking to him? Or maybe ask why he doesnt allow you to hang out with your friends?
Maybe youre not communicating well with your dad? - this was something I was guilty of doing, which was why we were at loggerheads all the time.
Try getting him to see your point of view, & show him the effort you've put in in your schoolwork too. Perhaps you can strike up a compromise with him - if you show improvement in a subject you've been particularly weak in, get him to allow you to catch a movie with your pals, or ask him to allow a few friends over for lunch.
Get your mum to be in this together too.

- phangedphluff - 11-09-2012 10:11 PM

Tell your dad that, yes, grades are important to you and you will work. But explain that you need to do fun stuff because if you study all the time you'll get burnout and get worse grades.

Hopefully, once he understands that school is important to you, he'll relax up a bit. If you can't talk to your dad ask your mum to have a talk to him.

- fireball226 - 11-09-2012 10:11 PM

get your mom to see he is running you down and have friends come to the house for get togethers...

- Tray Augustus - 11-09-2012 10:11 PM

looka here, what do u wanna do when ur older? Take orders from your dad or live your own life? You are always gonna do something that one or both parents will dislike or like. In other words, live your life. If you cant go out now, just wait. Your time will definitely come. Until then plot for YOUR future and avoid arguments with your father. And always agree with him....i know that sounds like crap, but it makes it easier for him to stop talking so you can do whatever it is you are going to do.