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samsung galaxy s3 issues? - Printable Version

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samsung galaxy s3 issues? - Lauren K - 11-09-2012 10:07 PM

hi i have just bought a samsung galaxy s3, it doesn't seem to connect to facebook unless it has a wifi connection. i pay for internet from my service provider and if im not connected to wifi i can go on any site bar facebook. also how do i know its connected 3g? my old blackberry used to have an icon to say it was connected to 3g but the samsung doesn't seem to. also if anyone has any tips on how to get the best from the phone feel free to share them
i didnt ask for your oppinion on the phone i just asked for help!! i have had an iphone and didnt like it.
i cant seem to see a 3g option on the settings

- Neil - 11-09-2012 10:15 PM

Go to your settings. Make sure that the 3G or Mobile Network tab is set to On.
In rural areas usually it is not 3G (More likely to be 2G or GPRS)
In Cities, You can get 3G, HSDPA, HSPA, HSPA+ and 4G LTE which this device supports on U.S carriers

Be aware that using data uses your data plan and uses your battery

To know if it is connected.It should have a 3G symbol on the notification near the battery and time

- Doug - 11-09-2012 10:15 PM

That's what you get for buying a terrible phone. You should have just gotten an iPhone and life would be fine right now.